Source code for knitlib.machine_handler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import plugins

"""Handles allocation of machines to plugins and resources.

Machine Plugins are defined as subclasses of BaseKnittingPlugin. Each Machine
plugin can be matched to a port or interface. Each port can only handle one
machine at once.

[docs]def get_available_ports(): """Returns a list tuples of available serial ports.""" # TODO: add other kinds of ports listing. return list(
[docs]def get_machines_by_type(machine_type): """Returns a list of the available plugins for a given PluginType or empty array if none found.""" return plugins.active_plugins.get(machine_type, {})
[docs]def get_active_machine_plugins_names(): """Returns a list of tuples of the available plugins and type.""" active_plugins = [] for plugin_type, plugins_by_type in plugins.active_plugins.items(): for plugin_name, plugin_class in plugins_by_type.items(): active_plugins.append(plugin_name) return active_plugins
[docs]def get_machine_plugin_by_id(machine_id, if_not_found=None): """Returns a machine plugin given the machine_id class name.""" for k, v in plugins.active_plugins.items(): if machine_id in v: return v[machine_id] return if_not_found
[docs]def get_machine_types(): """Returns the PluginType Enum.""" return plugins.PluginType